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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2024

The Surprising Foods That Actually Boost Children’s Intelligence – Parents, Read Now to Avoid Mistakes

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Raising a child, everyone wants their child to have the best development. That’s why many parents invest in nutrition for their children, hoping for intelligence. They eat whatever is not good, and save the best for their children, with the desire for the best for them. But in reality, many parents practice incorrectly due to misunderstanding, lack of information and knowledge about nutrition, resulting in waste. You should be aware of the following common mistakes in families: Belly meat from fish is discarded, but that is the most omega-rich meat When feeding children fish, many people often remove the meat from the back of the fish because they think it is delicious and boneless. That’s not wrong in terms of taste. But the belly meat, which feels fatty and greasy, is the meat that is rich in nutrients. According to the physiology of species development, the best nutrients will be stored in the belly of fish. The back meat develops due to movement. Therefore, the meat on the fish’

Crispy and evenly cooked fried fish – add this step before frying and the fish will be crunchy and fully cooked without splattering oil

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1. Clean the fish When buying fish from the market, most sellers have already cleaned it for you. However, when you bring it home, you need to clean the fish and remove the black membrane inside its belly. If you don’t clean it properly, the fish can become smelly. Also, the scales of the fish can also contribute to the fishy smell, so it’s important to scale the fish before cooking. 2. Clean and dry the fish After cleaning the fish, it’s important to let it dry, so that when you fry it, it won’t splatter and the fish skin won’t break. 90% of the time, if the fish skin is not crispy, it’s because you fried the fish when it was still wet. Use a towel or paper to pat dry the surface and inside the fish to ensure the crispiest fried fish. 3. Be cautious with salt Many people believe that rubbing salt on the skin of the fish can help remove the fishy odor. However, it’s best to only add a little salt inside the fish’s belly, instead of rubbing it onto the skin. Rubbing salt onto the

Cheap and Easy-to-Find Ingredient: A Calcium-Rich Superfood for Delicious and Refreshing Soup

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Known as one of the most beloved ingredients in the summer, clams are high in nutritional value, rich in calcium, and filled with essential nutrients for the body. In addition to dishes such as Thai-style steamed clams, stir-fried clams with garlic butter, and stir-fried clams with coconut, clams can also be used to make soup. When combined with seaweed, the “king of all foods,” and tofu, you will have a delicious, refreshing, nutritious clam and seaweed soup with a digestive and cooling effect on the body. Let’s learn how to make this enticing soup with the simple recipe below. 1. Ingredients for clam and seaweed soup – Clams: 450 grams – Tofu: 1 piece – Small seaweed: 1 piece – Ginger, spring onion – Seasonings: Salt, cooking oil, MSG, pepper 2. Steps to make clam and seaweed soup Step 1: Prepare the ingredients – After buying the clams, soak them in a bowl of saltwater and add a few drops of cooking oil to help remove the sand and dirt from their mouths. Then, remove the

Whip up a nutritious and delicious egg stir-fry with these ingredients to delight your family on an autumn day

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Not everyone knows that black beans are a high-nutrition food because they contain many unsaturated fatty acids, protein, vitamin A, fiber, calcium, potassium… so they are very good for health. Especially, with just a few simple steps, you can easily make black bean sprouts at home and cook a quick stir-fried black bean sprout omelette according to the following recipe. 1. Ingredients for stir-fried black bean sprout omelette – Black bean sprouts: about 200 grams – Eggs: 3 – Ginger, scallion, garlic – Cornstarch – Red chili – Seasonings: Soy sauce, cooking oil, oyster sauce 2. How to make stir-fried black bean sprout omelette Step 1: Prepare the ingredients – After buying black bean sprouts, remove the black roots that have sprouted. Then rinse with clean water and remove any remaining black skins. – Remove any damaged or withered leaves from the scallions, rinse and chop them finely. – Peel the garlic, rinse with water and mince. – Rinse the chili, remove the stem and c

Parents spoke a few words to the teacher, and the teacher will pay more attention to the child, which is more effective than a “gift”.

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The benefits of regular communication with teachers The biggest advantage of regular contact with teachers is the special care they provide for children. Teachers are experienced and knowledgeable education experts who have the ability to identify and evaluate the strengths and limitations of children through classroom observations and daily behavior monitoring. However, due to the limited time resources of teachers, they cannot focus on the details of each individual student. If parents can communicate with teachers regularly and stay informed about their child’s situation, teachers will have the opportunity to pay more attention and support their education. Communicating with teachers also helps children feel the care and support from parents and teachers. This creates a strong bond between the family and the school, helping children become more confident and positive in their studies and life. Communicating with teachers requires skills, say these few sentences and the teache

Boiled Pork: Hot or Cold Water? Add this One Ingredient for Clean and Delicious Meat

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How to choose fresh and delicious pork To have a high-quality boiled pork dish, firstly, you need to choose clean, delicious, and fresh meat. The best meat parts to use for boiling are pork belly or pork leg. These parts have both lean and fatty meat, making the meat tender and delicious. Also, observe the meat piece to see if it has a fresh pink color, firm texture with high elasticity when pressed, even fibers, and a dry cut surface. These are signs of good quality meat. On the contrary, if the meat looks pale, has a mushy texture, and a foul smell, it means the meat has gone bad due to improper preservation. How to get rid of the pork smell Usually, healthy pigs that are raised in a “clean” meat-production environment will have a pleasant and delicious smell. However, the current market is flooded with pigs fattened with feed, resulting in pork that often has an unpleasant smell. If you accidentally buy meat with an odor, firstly, you need to clean it and pay attention to the

5 signs in children that may be symptoms of respiratory disease parents should pay attention to

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Seizures that last a long time If parents see their child having prolonged seizures, accompanied by symptoms such as unconsciousness, irritability, they should pay more attention to the child. This may be a characteristic of worsening pneumonia. To prevent respiratory diseases in children, parents should teach children to wash their hands regularly, before and after meals. In addition, parents need to adhere to a complete vaccination schedule for the child, in order to prevent various dangerous respiratory diseases such as whooping cough, viral pneumonia, pneumonia caused by H. influenzae virus, etc. To prevent respiratory diseases in children, parents should teach children to wash their hands regularly, before and after meals Coughing with difficulty breathing This is one of the typical signs of pneumonia in children. If parents see their child suddenly having difficulty breathing, making wheezing sounds, snorting, pale skin, and other symptoms, it may be a sign that the child

Unbelievable Reason Keeping You Poor

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(TNO) Most of the factors that make the rich different from the poor are about mindset. Recently, an author and also a self-made millionaire has pointed out a daily habit that keeps the poor poor that few people ever think of. >> 8 habits that keep you poor even with a decent income >> 9 different habits of the rich and the poor Complaining is one of the reasons that keeps you poor – Image: Shutterstock Rich people think, act, and decide differently from everyone else. Most of the factors that make the rich different from the poor are about mindset, according to Business Insider. T. Harv Eker, a self-made millionaire who lives in the United States and the author of the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind recently identified a habit, seemingly harmless and rarely thought of, that keeps the poor from ever becoming wealthy. That is complaining. “Complaining is certainly the worst thing,” Eker wrote. When you complain, you only focus on the mistakes and t

Why do steak meals come with sunny-side-up eggs on the side? Many people are surprised when they learn the truth

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Bít tết is a beloved dish for many people. The piece of juicy and hot beef , cut and eaten at the same time, dipped in sauces like mushroom sauce, BBQ sauce… In addition, bít tết lovers will also find potato salad, vegetable salad, boiled vegetables… as side dishes. Especially, some places serve slightly cooked sunny-side-up eggs alongside. Many people, unaware of its purpose, have asked the chefs to cook it well-done. In fact, these slightly cooked eggs are not just a side dish, they have a special role that will surely surprise anyone who knows about it. The chef explains that these eggs are intentionally left slightly cooked. The liquid part of the eggs that has not yet solidified has a very special effect. It will seep into the bít tết, making the meat softer and enhancing its taste to a certain extent. Of course, when the role of softening the meat is no longer needed, you can flip the egg, the cooked side of the egg will come into contact with the still-hot skillet and cook

Husband drills hole in bathroom wall, wife puzzled but unaware of its significant impact

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Recently, a young couple who had worked hard for many years finally bought a small house. However, conflict arose when the husband insisted on drilling a small hole in the bathroom wall. After being scolded by his wife, the husband explained that it was for ventilation, but the illogical thing was that the size of the hole could not accommodate any ventilation fan. But when it was completed and felt its effect, the wife was very surprised and amazed that just a small hole facing the bathroom window, when combined with the air from the bathroom window, would create a circulation that helps the air in the bathroom flow more easily and dry. This has also been applied and implemented by some famous interior designers. Moreover, for houses with integrated bathrooms, you can use some small tips to eliminate odors and make the room more ventilated and fragrant. Eliminate odors with eucalyptus oil Use the eucalyptus oil bottle that you use daily to massage your hands and feet, relieve pa

Put this “holy” thing into the washing machine: Clothes that remove all stains, white as new

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Use vinegar to remove stains Vinegar contains acid that helps to clean your clothes of stains without fading. Just pour some vinegar into a clean water bucket and soak the pants for about 30 minutes. Finally, rinse with clean water and you will have fresh clothes. Use betel leaves You only need to prepare 2 betel leaves, wash them thoroughly, crush the leaves and put them in a water bucket for about 15 minutes. Then remove all the betel leaves, leaving only the water. Next, soak your jeans in the water for 35 minutes and then squeeze out the water, and dry them without washing again. Salt keeps clothes looking new Salt not only a seasoning but also helps stabilize the color of the fabric and slow down the fading process. In addition, after the first wash using this method, you can wear the jeans two to three times and limit washing for 1 week. For the next wash, do not use detergent, just soak the jeans in warm water for about 15 minutes. Then rinse with clean water again, and dr

10 Iconic Symbols of Christmas and Their Meanings

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Christmas is one of the biggest holidays in December every year, and it is also the most anticipated holiday. The church bells are ringing, Christmas trees, Santa Claus, and Christmas gifts have become essential symbols on this day. Let’s learn about the meaning of these symbols on Christmas day. Reference: , wish a Merry Christmas, short and meaningful 1 Santa Claus Santa Claus – symbol of Christmas is based on the image of Saint Nicholas, who was very generous and a patron for sailors in Russia, especially children. Since the 16th century, children in the Netherlands have left their shoes by the fireplace in the hope that Saint Nicholas will give them their dream gifts. Today, children all over the world hang their stockings by the fireplace or Christmas tree to wait for gifts from Santa Claus, also known affectionately as Santa Claus. Reference: which day is Christmas? Distinguishing